Drones vs Helicopters: Which is Better for Aerial Photography?

July 05, 2022

Drones vs Helicopters: Which is Better for Aerial Photography?

Aerial photography has become more popular than ever before, especially with the growth of Smart Cities. The use of drones and helicopters for this purpose has been on the increase over the years. Both provide efficient ways to capture fantastic aerial shots, but which one is better? In this post, we will compare the two modes of capturing aerial shots and determine which one is more suitable for capturing stunning aerial shots of Smart Cities.


Drones are small, unmanned flying machines that have become a popular choice for capturing panoramic views and intimate nature shots. They are relatively cheap and easy to operate with exceptional maneuverability that allows them to reach areas that would be impossible for traditional aerial methods. Drones can be controlled remotely, making them the perfect tool for capturing aerial shots of Smart Cities without causing any disturbance.

One of the advantages of drone photography is that it provides a bird's eye view, allowing for a better view of the entire city. The drone can also be programmed to take aerial shots from different angles and heights, providing versatility in shots. However, drones are fragile, and windy conditions can easily disrupt their flight, making it hard to capture stable shots. They also have a short battery life and limited flight time, limiting the time spent capturing aerial shots.


Helicopters have been used for aerial photography for years, and they remain a popular choice because they provide stability, high-quality images and have a more extended flight range. They can also carry large and heavy equipment, providing more room for creativity when capturing aerial shots. Helicopters can also hover mid-air, making it easy to capture stable and steady aerial shots.

However, helicopters are expensive to rent, and they require a professional pilot, adding to the overall cost of the shoot. They can also be noisy, making it difficult to navigate in residential areas.


Advantages Disadvantages
Drones Cheap, easy to operate, versatile angles and heights Fragile, short battery life, windy conditions
Helicopters Stable, high-quality images, longer flight range, greater weight capacity Expensive, requires a professional pilot, noisy

From the above comparison, it is apparent that both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Drones are cheaper, easy to operate, and provide versatility in shots, while helicopters offer more stability, a longer flight range, and higher quality images.


While both drones and helicopters are good options for aerial photography of Smart Cities, the type of shoot will determine the best method to use. Drones are perfect for shooting in confined spaces or high-risk areas, while helicopters are for shoots that require a more professional setup. Ultimately, it is best to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods and decide which one is more suitable for the shoot.


  1. Olsen, G. (2021). The Advantages of Drones for Aerial Photography. [online] The Spruce Crafts. Available at: https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/what-is-drone-photography-4689136 [Accessed 2 Jul. 2022].
  2. AirPano. (2022). Advantages and disadvantages of helicopter shooting from the air | AirPano. [online] Available at: https://www.airpano.com/Photogallery-Advantages-and-Disadvantages-of-Helicopter-Shooting.php [Accessed 2 Jul. 2022].

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